United Bible Studies

United Bible Studies is an experimental and improvisational folk band from Ireland. There are a few core members such as David Colohan as well as a host of incidental contributors on both the live performances and regular albums. United Bible Studies is part of the Deserted Village music collective.



According to a 2006 interview with Deep Water Acres [1], United Bible Studies formally began in 2001 or 2002 when David Colohan and James Rider met in Dublin. Colohan said that the Incredible String Band was a primary influence, while Rider also indicated Fairport Convention, Sandy Denny and John Martyn as specific inspirations. Rider then temporarily relocated to Belfast for a year and a half, during which time Colohan and kindred spirits expanded the band from simply a folk-inspired group into what Rider described as "an ever expanding musical beast." The overall emphasis of the band shifted towards improvisation based around participating members' preferred instruments and inspirations.

The band identified a 2003 performance at the Mor Festival as being key for the group's future direction, with producer/performer Gavin Prior saying "UBS changed forever the moment Dave screamed “play a Can beat!” to [newly recruited drummer] Bryan [O'Connell]." [2] The band's formal released debut was the song "Can I Have the Banjo?" on the Cottage Industrial Volume 2 compilation on Humbug Records, with its debut EP collection Huntly Town appearing on Slow Loris the following year. Numerous albums and EPs have been released since, many via the Deserted Village label/collective that the group is most identified with. However, releases have appeared on many other labels with an interest in psychedelic and experimental music, including Foxglove, Barl Fire, Ruralfaune and Camera Obscura. [3] [4]

The band's performances rely in part on shifting and local lineups; in Ireland different musicians have joined the band at different locations in the country. [5] United Bible Studies first played America in 2008 on a tour that included a performance date at the seventh Terrastock festival; various members of the band also joined Tanakh for their performance, alongside members of Acid Mothers Temple and Abunai! [6]



Compilation appearances


External links